22 Feb 2012

Winter hair care

What I love about being I Japan is that they are more liberal with the idea of how you style your hair for work. Back how most places preferred more conservative styles but here the line is drawn at over the top hair colour.

That's great but my biggest issue is caring for my natural hair here. Its not like you can walk to a corner store and get afro hair care products so it's made me extra protective of my hair. Now that it's winter the gloves are off!! Winter conditions are murder on black hair and skin (I'll talk about that later) and being a complete novice at winter hair care you gotta hit the ground running. Lucky for me I've been doing my own hair for years I dunno what I would do if I couldn't, many girls had resorted to cutting their hair off, wearing wig or relaxing it so they could manage.

Protective styles!!! That is key!! At the moment I like twisting my hair for a week and doing a pinned up twist out style the following week. Make olive oil your beat friend the cold dry is murder on your hair and scalp and if you have brittle hair or a scalp problem to begin with winter conditions will be your worst nightmare.

My routine: I wash my hair twice a month, washing your hair too often can strip your hair of its natural oils and the key is keeping moisture in. I prefer to shampoo (with a sulphate free shampoo) and do a deep treatment and the other time do a co-wash and a deep treat both times finish off with a leave in conditioner. Other than olive oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, shea butter and cocoa butter is great for hair. I prefer oil given I'm in the frozen north and it's not uncommon to find your products frozen in your apartment (I have to defrost my jojoba before I can use it).

Just because you have to protect your hair doesn't mean you have to forfeit looking good. Invest in hair wraps, beenies, fedoras and whatever floats ur boat mix things up and alternate exposing your hair to the elements. Get creative and have fun with it.

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