24 Feb 2012

Learn how to fake it

Hahahahah this morning was a mad dash for the bus but here appearances are everything. I was all cool and collected as I walked to the bus. Unknown to anyone looking underneath my coat and cool exterior was my frantic rush for the bus. Pants barely on, make up smeared on in 15 seconds, hair just done 5 minutes before, bag filled with all kinds of random junk in case I might have forgotten something important in a panicked rush so when in doubt bring EVERYTHING!!!

2 mins til the bus arrives ready to bolt to the bus stop but never run walk feverishly with purpose, last thing you wanna do is scare the natives blowing pass them everything freaks them out and I don't wanna be responsible for causing a stroke hahahahaha. If it wasn't for the bleeding 2 hour commute to my southern schools I wouldn't have to be so panicked to miss any of my connections to get there. Deep breath.

Ah well I made it and it's Friday. Cheers to the freaking weekend finally.

23 Feb 2012

Hunt for a dentist

Moving to another country has its perks; fresh start, new possibilities and blah blah blah. But the thing about moving is that fresh start means having to do every from scratch.

One of the first things I started to look for was an English speaking doctor. It's important yeah but I HATE doctors I always have but here people go to the doctor quickly at the first sign of trouble which is wise but I don't I literally try to run away when I get sick and my teachers want to take me.

Now the hunt is on for an English speaking dentist. I hate them too, maybe it's the white coat thing that just turns me off or the white sterile feel of medical centers but I get that "bolt" feeling when I hear that name too. But I've decided to get braces while I'm here. I would have waited until after Japan to do it back home but I honestly don't know when I want to do that.

Ugg I need a car

Yet another snowy rainy morning where I have to wait for the bus that's running late yet again. Don't get me wrong the buses here are far more efficient than buses home by far but winter conditions and winter traffic makes getting to work on time a hit and miss thing. Today must be crazy cold because I an actually see my breath in the bus.

22 Feb 2012

Janelle Monae :Cold War

I came across this performance while bored on the bus and must have played this 10 times today. I just love her ^_^

To eat or not to eat

I was recently discussing being at an enkai and being offered shark fin soup as one of the courses at the dinner. I am personally against shark fin as I think shark fin fishing is very inhumane. Guess I have a problem with hunting the animal solely for its fin and discarding the rest of the fish sometimes ALIVE. I feel the same way for a lot of other animal practices but I brought this up when you get to Japan you are faced with a lot of new things to try and its a tricky thing sometimes to stay true to yourself and not offend your hosts.

Depending on where you are from a whole lot may not be know about customs about you country so be prepared for some eyebrow raising behaviour at times. Like they say when in Rome, but most people are very open to personal believes and won't take offense but I try to be as polite about some things as possible without making my Japanese host feel offended or uncomfortable. Just try to be as polite as possible and explain if you can and focus of something that you really are enjoying and enjoy yourself and bride to gap.

Winter hair care

What I love about being I Japan is that they are more liberal with the idea of how you style your hair for work. Back how most places preferred more conservative styles but here the line is drawn at over the top hair colour.

That's great but my biggest issue is caring for my natural hair here. Its not like you can walk to a corner store and get afro hair care products so it's made me extra protective of my hair. Now that it's winter the gloves are off!! Winter conditions are murder on black hair and skin (I'll talk about that later) and being a complete novice at winter hair care you gotta hit the ground running. Lucky for me I've been doing my own hair for years I dunno what I would do if I couldn't, many girls had resorted to cutting their hair off, wearing wig or relaxing it so they could manage.