18 Apr 2012

Making the best of a bad situation

I recently lost my cousin to lupus and this really hit me pretty hard after seeing her hospitalized. Like any caring relative I made the attempt to attend to her funeral but because of unexpected changes in he funeral date I got stuck with an nonrefundable and unchangeable ticket.

This frustration and grief took a toll on me for sure. I'm not gonna lie that I was super annoyed with my family and delta for placing me in a position which cost me a considerable amount of time, effort, stress and money to have to forfeit attending the funeral and force me to fly on a incorrect date due to their inflexibility. Ok deep breath. Make that two. Nothing to be done but try to make the best of the hand I was dealt. New plan off to New York and then home to Barbados. No point stating in New York if I missed the purpose of my trip on the first place. Going to pay my respects to my family and then head home this definitely made me want to see them even if its just for 3 days.

I'll definitely gonna need a vacation after this.

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