2 Dec 2011


When you arrive in Japan and join any group or organization you will definitely have several enkais to attend. Now an enkai is a drinking party normally held at the start and end of work period. Basically it's a party as a pat on the back for a job well done or a here's to the season ahead kind of gathering.

An enkai is highly anticipated by everyone as a chance to unwind after a long and perhaps stressful work period and just relax and have a good time with workmates. For me I really love them not just because I get to see people red in the face drunk but the event really helps people to loosen up and have a really good time. I love it especially when the quiet teachers let loose and have a great time.

It's definitely not an event to be missed.


  1. Carson C. Cadogan2 December 2011 at 20:39

    Drinking until you are drunk is not a good or wise idea, don't get involved.

    It gives rise to many problems afterwards, some problems which can not be undone.

    A word to the wise!!!!

  2. Don't worry so much about it. It's not a binge party, it's just translated like that. It's not any different to what we would have at home. Everyone there knows their limit and doesn't go beyond it. After all it is a work event and the boss it there although and downs a few drinks himself. There is just as much food and there are drinks. No one is obligated to drink as it's illegal to have any amount of alcohol in your system and get behind the wheel and many people drive to these events.It's a great dinner party. I absolutely love them.
