3 Aug 2011

Up, Up and Away.

I must apologise for the late posting of this blog I've been doing a great deal of traveling and the internet wasn't always available to me but I've spent the time wisely observing and documenting as much as i can.


For me I found the Dallas leg of the trip to be the most difficult leg of them all. So continuing on my journey to Japan the Caribbean group and I had a 3 hour flight from Miami to Dallas. I have to admit I really liked the fact that it was the shortest route during the journey and it allowed us to see the American terrain as we crossed over several states. This leg allowed us to link up with many other Americans also coming to Japan from the Miami and Dallas connection. The other participants came in all shapes and sizes and from several walks of life. It was really good to see the enthusiasm and nervousness on the faces of the other participants and it was really refreshing to see that it wasn't just my small group going through that.

We stocked up and encouraged each other in preparation of the daunting 13 hour flight ahead of us to Japan. I have to admit that this was the section of the trip I dreaded the most being hyper active in a confined space was the worst possible situation I could think of. As I got on the plane I looked around and saw that my flight had a high population of Asian passengers as well as future teachers like myself, it was only then that it began to set in that I was soon going be surrounded by this population and the task ahead of me. I decided to take nyquil to help me sleep and for a while it worked wonders, unfortunately for some reason I became extremely sick on the flight and that made the confined space even worse for a portion of the trip.

After become ill I was very happy with the assistance that several of the female flight attendants gave ensuring that I was felling better, however several other Caribbean participants and I were not impressed with the service of the male attendants. I don't want to shed a negative light on the overall service of the airline but many of us found them to be quite rude and seemed annoyed when asked for assistance. We all thought that such behaviour really affected our ability to enjoy our world wind experience and for me that was the biggest annoyance of that trip but I try to see good in bad.

We all met very interesting people on the flight and I'm sure we wouldn't have been able to do had it not been for this incredible opportunity. I sat next to very nice Korea man named Alex and was very interesting and he had very good English and we talked a lot about our cultures. I felt really lucky to be placed next to him because South Korea was one of the countries that I've always wanted to visit and I practiced Tae Kwon Do which is a Korean martial art so I found that extremely cool. He told me he was a radiation specialist on his way home from the States and I found that hilarious because I was heading to Fukushima. He was very kind to me and was very attentive and was very concerned for me when I got sick and every time I woke up he was always quick to ask me if I needed anything to make me feel better and I really appreciated his kindness. I found his behaviour very refreshing and reassuring given I was dreading going to Asia and having Asian people avoid or be afraid of me.

That experience really encouraged me to put my best foot and be take every experience as it come.


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