17 May 2012

Found this interesting

My principal recently started giving me his English newspapers to read to keep up with current affairs. Found this article pretty interesting. Everyone still working to keep the population up to date on the radiation situation. The latest measure.

8 May 2012

Somewhere over the rainbow

Finally warm again and super happy for the heat but now we are in rainy season. When I heard that I just thought hurricane season .. been through plenty of those back home but was NOT aware of the big difference between these countries. For one thing lightening actually hits stuff here and THERE WAS A TORNADO!! It hit the prefecture below mine.

18 Apr 2012

Bye bye bim yet again

Leaving home always makes me a bit sad but all good things must come to an end and all that jazz. I don't know how I feel this time I mean yes I don't want to leave so soon but at the same time it still hasn't full sunk in that I'm home and it's already time to leave.

Time to go again. Dreading the ridiculous amount flying I have to do again so soon. Time to suck it up and get it over with but I'll be back in no time though AND I'M BRINGING MY FRIENDS BOOYAH!! TOURISM!!

Tight schedule

Ok back home and super happy about happy to be among my people and just blend in for a change ... well as much as I ever do anyway. As much as I enjoy brig lazy an lounge around with only 2 1/2 days in bim. I have to true "relaxing" at top speed.

So what do you do with just one full day in a country??? Well to be honest my first thought was find the closest beach and go for a dip I missed the beach I thought long and hard and I thought of a million things I should do see as many relatives as I could, go for a drive around the island, maybe hit a spa or something but when it all came right down to it I just wanted to spend the day just being at home and hanging out with my family just keep it simple. And it was well worth the money. I missed my dialect, the simplicity of just being lazy without a care in the world and being able to talk to my family without Skype or Facebook or some form of social media aid.

I wish I had more time but that wasn't in the cards this time but oh well any time is better than nothing. I know everyone was as happy to see me as I was to see them which is all I could ask for.

Making the best of a bad situation

I recently lost my cousin to lupus and this really hit me pretty hard after seeing her hospitalized. Like any caring relative I made the attempt to attend to her funeral but because of unexpected changes in he funeral date I got stuck with an nonrefundable and unchangeable ticket.

This frustration and grief took a toll on me for sure. I'm not gonna lie that I was super annoyed with my family and delta for placing me in a position which cost me a considerable amount of time, effort, stress and money to have to forfeit attending the funeral and force me to fly on a incorrect date due to their inflexibility. Ok deep breath. Make that two. Nothing to be done but try to make the best of the hand I was dealt. New plan off to New York and then home to Barbados. No point stating in New York if I missed the purpose of my trip on the first place. Going to pay my respects to my family and then head home this definitely made me want to see them even if its just for 3 days.

I'll definitely gonna need a vacation after this.

4 Apr 2012

Had a blast!!

So today was by far my favourite day in Korea. We went to a huge mall with an enormous amusement park inside I did EVERYTHING and and went ice skating for the first time and I loved it!!!

Definitely going to need lozenges after all that screaming, was definitely an awesome way to end my trip. All in all I had a great time in Korea.

3 Apr 2012

Off to Seoul

Final day in Korea so decided to head to the capital city after all. I've had a lot of fun with my friend Charlie but now its time to kick it to the next level AMUSEMENT PARK!!!! Happy dance!!

Jumped on the KTX (Korea's bullet train) and it going to take about two and a half hours to get there. The weather isn't looking all that great but I'd feel terrible not seeing the capital. Fingers crossed.